dimanche 26 février 2012

Afghanistan: France and Germany withdraw civilian staff

France and Germany are following the US and Britain in withdrawing civilian staff from Afghan government institutions in the wake of the killing of two senior US Nato officers.  Afghan authorities are hunting a 25-year-old Afghan policeman believed to have shot the officers dead at the interior ministry in Kabul on Saturday.

samedi 25 février 2012

Saudi Arabia backs arming Syrian opposition

Saudi Arabia has backed the arming of Syria's opposition guerrilla army in remarks that could signal an intervention by the Sunni Muslim superpower in the Assad regime's crackdown against the uprising. The Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, described the arming of the Free Syria Army as an "excellent idea" at an inaugural meeting in Tunisia of an anti-Assad group.

Bus carrying Britons crashes in France: 1 dead

A bus carrying dozens of British tourists has driven off the road in northern France and crashed into a ditch, killing one person.  The British Embassy says 23 people were injured, including six seriously. The cause of the accident early Sunday is unclear, but the bus was the only vehicle involved.

lundi 20 février 2012

Justice Department calls Swiss Bank a "fugitive"

 The U.S. Justice Department called Switzerland's largest private bank a fugitive from justice on Friday after it didn't send any representatives to a court hearing in New York, where it has been charged with conspiring with American clients to hide $1.2 billion from the Internal Revenue Service.

lundi 13 février 2012

The latest scavenger hunt takes you underwater

Geocaching started as a hobby more than a decade ago on land but it's slowly becoming popular with scuba enthusiasts around the world looking for new underwater adventures. People are adding this on as an extension to their own hobby for the co-founder of Geocaching.com based in Seattle.  Interest in geocaching has grown significantly over the years, even reaching space via the International Space Station.

Gold falls as Greek debt crisis back in spotlight

Gold prices fell Monday as the Greek debt crisis returned to the spotlight, renewing concerns about the impact that Europe's financial troubles could have on the global economy.  France and Germany warned Greece's leaders that they need to approve new reforms or risk bankruptcy. Greece could default on a bond repayment next month without another installment of bailout loans.

lundi 30 janvier 2012

Panama Canal expansion strike settled

A company expanding the Panama Canal has settled a strike by 6,000 workers that had paralyzed work for six days.  The multinational consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal says in a news release that the workers have agreed to a 13 percent wage increase and will return to work on Monday.  Union representative Saul Mendez says workers are not completely happy with the deal raising hourly pay to about $3.34 an hour, but still made important advances.

dimanche 15 janvier 2012

Syria crisis: Assad 'gives amnesty for uprising crimes

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad has granted a general amnesty for all crimes committed during the 10-month uprising, state-run media report.  It would apply to army deserters who turned themselves in before the end of January, peaceful protesters and those who handed in unlicensed weapons, Sana news agency is quoted as saying.  Tens of thousands of people have been detained in the past year.

samedi 14 janvier 2012

Yahoo dangled $27M pay package to get new CEO

Yahoo dangled a $27 million pay package to lure its newly hired CEO Scott Thompson away from PayPal.  The struggling Internet company disclosed the details of Thompson's compensation in a regulatory filing late Friday. Thompson starts his new job Monday after spending the past four years running eBay Inc.'s PayPal service, where revenue more than doubled during his tenure. PayPal took in an estimated $4.4 billion last year.

dimanche 8 janvier 2012

Health fund urges donors not to abandon patients

 A financially troubled global health fund says millions of people will suffer if donations continue to dry up, as European and United States budget constraints bite and a backlash continues over losses to corruption and other misspendin.

vendredi 6 janvier 2012

Running a country? There's an app for that, almost

Britain's government says experts are considering developing a bespoke iPad app that would deliver key data straight to Prime Minister David Cameron's tablet computer. The Times of London newspaper reported the app could include statistics and information from government departments, real time news and Twitter updates.

jeudi 5 janvier 2012

To track their pets, owners are trying GPS devices

 Half of the pets that enter animal shelters each year are strays or lost animals, but the growing use of GPS technology may offer owners a new option for trying to track down roaming cats, missing dogs and other runaway pets.