jeudi 24 novembre 2011

French former first lady Mitterand dies at 87

Danielle Mitterand died Tuesday at age 87. Mitterrand died before dawn after being hospitalized at Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris in recent days for fatigue, her foundation France Libertes said.
Mitterrand turned the 14-year tenure of her husband, French President Francois Mitterrand, into her own bully pulpit.
Mitterrand created several charities and criss-crossed the world in defense of human rights.

lundi 21 novembre 2011

Job-hungry Spaniards seen electing center-right

Another troubled European government will almost surely tumble this week end as Spanish voters braving sky-high unemployment, the sting of austerity, piles of debt and a bleak future are expected to dump the ruling socialists and hand their national mess to opposition conservatives.

mercredi 16 novembre 2011

US scientist receives Kyoto Prize in technology

American scientist John W. Cahn received Japan's annual Kyoto Prize on Thursday, winning 50 million yen, or about $650,000, for his contributions in materials science that led to the creation of stronger, lighter alloys used in cellphones and many electronic devices.

jeudi 10 novembre 2011

Prince William and Kate to get new London home

Prince William and Kate his wife who are based in remote Wales, have picked an apartment in historic Kensington Palace as their permanent London base. Plans are under way to transform the apartment to quarters fit for the newlyweds.
It added that the couple will continue to divide their time between London and Wales after their new home in the capital  becomes ready, which is expected to be in mid-2013

mercredi 9 novembre 2011

Olympic boxing body considering skirts for women

 After winning a long fight to get into the Olympics, women boxers are at the center of a dress code debate ahead of the 2012 London Games, including whether they should wear skirts in the ring.
The International Amateur Boxing Association said that officials will meet in January to discuss the issue and draw up recommendations.

mardi 8 novembre 2011

Greece talks under way in bid to avoid bankruptcy

Greek leaders entered a second day closed-door talks Sunday to end an ongoing political crisis, under intense pressure to ensure the country doesn’t go bankrupt in the next few weeks and that it remains in the eurozone.

dimanche 6 novembre 2011

Doubts increase in United Kingdom

In UK, the economy is died because of austerity drive: job have been lost, employees sacked,...
The country wants to tame budget deficit.
The sharpest measures of 81 billion pound, four year program of public spending cuts are yet to bite.
However, the country hopes to see businesses generate news jobs to replace public sector posts.

jeudi 3 novembre 2011

Port wine has a challenge

Port wine looks for a future to increase the sales. It has long been a hallmark European product; this century is a challenge for the family wine business.
It's difficult for them to sale, so,That is forcing producers to step outside their comfort zone and explore distant new markets.  

mardi 1 novembre 2011

Formula one in India

Last sunday, The champagne world of Formula ona has raced for the first time in India. There are some critics because this sports is associated with glamor and the high life and India reflects the deep poverty of much of the country's people.
This organization is strange for Indian people because government give money for the F1 race; however, the government is doing all it can to address the needs of the poor